First Thursday Replay: Incorporating Theory in the Practical Lesson
Presented by Dr Brett McKern
As teachers, you will know that there is a lot to fit into a 30-45 minute practical lesson.
Following on from Dr McKern's excellent and information session on teaching aural skills in the practical lesson in 2022, Brett returns to give a much anticipated session which will give you concrete strategies to ensure that you incorporate music theory in the practical lesson.
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Dr Brett McKern holds degrees in music, education, theology and two doctorates in musical composition, and maintains an international career as a composer and organist. Brett has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. He currently lectures in music at university, examines for the AMEB, and consults on music and music education. Brett also maintains his own teaching studio, and former organ, music theory and composition students have gone on to read music at university, and a number are now professional musicians.