Instrument: Theory of Music

Joan Thorp

Rodney Wikstrom

Rodney Wikstrom in an Australian violin & viola performer and teacher based in Newcastle, NSW. His vision is to educate children to develop sensitivity, discipline, self esteem, creativity and patience, so that they may recognise and appreciate the beauty of music. Rodney combines the philosophy of Dr Suzuki with the technical principles of Ivan Galamian…
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Lesleigh Thompson

Lesleigh Thompson is a postgraduate qualified musician with more than 30 years’ experience in music education.  A former lecturer at The Faculty of Music, The University of Melbourne, AMEB examiner and recipient of several national awards for composition, Lesleigh was selected for inclusion in the 16th Edition of the International Who’s Who of Music and…
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Therese Newman

Deborah Humble

Anne Hilberts

Janina Adomski

Catherine Curr