About us

The Music Teachers’ Association of NSW is the peak body for music teachers across all settings in New South Wales. Founded in 1912, we aim to support music teachers, and protect the character and status of the profession.

We are the sole Accrediting body for instrumental and vocal music teachers in NSW, encouraging high standards of music teaching and learning.

We provide professional development, social connection, information and support for music teachers, as well as performance and learning opportunities for their students.

Membership is open to all music teachers and supporters in NSW, including

  • music teachers in private studios
  • peripatetic music teachers in schools
  • music teachers in multi-teacher businesses
  • classroom music teachers
  • music teachers in tertiary institutions - regional and metropolitan
  • supporters of music education everywhere

We welcome all music teachers! Accreditation is not a condition of membership of the MTA. We do hope that all teachers will want to become accredited, and we aim to support teachers in their journey to accreditation, with guidance and financial assistance.

Our Board

(Click here for more information on our Board and policies)

The Music Teachers’ Association of NSW Ltd is governed by a skills-based Board of volunteer Directors, a minimum of half of whom are Accredited Members. In performing its role, the Board aspires to excellence in governance standards.

Board Members

Chair:Anthony van den Broek
Deputy Chair:Max Holzner
Company Secretary:Neil Kenzler
Directors:Meryl Jackson-Kew OAM
Tracy Harber (Non-Member Director)
Vincent Vartuli (Non-Member Director)
Rachael Zavodnyik (Non-Member Director)


Arts Administrator:Ivy Gaymer
Branch Presidents:Meryl Jackson-Kew OAM, Illawarra
Rachel Cox, Newcastle

Our supporters


  • Signora Lidia Baldecchi-Arcuri
  • Dr Deanna Hoermann
  • The Hon Mark Coure MP
  • Dr Rita Crews OAM

Honorary Patron

  • Neta Maughan AM

Honorary Life Members

  • Mrs Betty Hanna
  • Miss Christine Edwards
  • Mr David Miller AM
  • Mr James Powell OAM
  • Mr Mark Walton OAM
  • Mr Richard G. Morphew
  • Mrs Rosalind Carlson OAM
  • Ms Rosemary Allen OAM\
  • Mr Warrick Dobbie
  • Ms Catherine Dobbie


As a not-for-profit organisation, the MTA relies on volunteers. Our board and committee members are all volunteers, and we keep a register of willing helpers. Learn more about volunteering with MTA NSW.

NSW Branches

Illawarra branch

The Illawarra Branch caters for music teachers in the Illawarra region, which extends from Nowra in the south to Helensburgh in the north.

Newcastle branch

The Newcastle Branch looks after teachers in the Hunter Region, including Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter Valley.

Child Safe Standards

(Click here for more information on our Child Safe Standards)

The Music Teachers' Association of NSW is committed to work together to keep all children and young people who are engaged with members and staff of the organisation safe.


For over 100 years, the Music Teachers' Association of NSW has looked after music teachers within NSW. It was founded in 1912, originally known as the Musical Association, to support and represent the musical profession. Since that time it has evolved into the peak body supporting music teachers in all contexts, including instrumental and vocal teachers in New South Wales. Through world wars, depressions and recessions, and dozens of changes of government, MTANSW has survived and thrived, always seeking to support music teachers and the music teaching profession.